Friday, July 17, 2015

So What Do I Eat Now?

Okay, I'm not going to deny it.  Yesterday's attack on the Marine recruiting office and office headquarters shook me up.  So much so that, yes, I did what I shouldn't have and ate at night; but, not so much so that it prompted a BED episode.   In the world of over-eating, binge-eating and night-eating, there are things to be grateful for; and, holding my panic at bay last evening was one of them. 

So, when I went to the kitchen for my morning coffee, knowing that I acted out last night, my first question for today was, "So what do I eat now?" Trick of the day: Get back and stay on, a healthy-eating track. That's when I called one of my friends, early in the day to enhance my chances for a "yes" response, and asked her and her partner to come over "after 4:30 today, for wine and grilled appetizers."   My strategy worked.  One of the things I'll be serving, to give her man an opportunity to exercise his grilling expertise, is grilled apples.  Believe me, if you've never had them . . .  well, you know what they say about eating "just one" . . .    And, of course, I'll have a single glass of wine.  I'm good at that. 

With that thought in mind, I decided to make a "grilling" night of it.  Other fabulous grilled fare will include:  Grilled Pepper Salad, Garlic Tomato Toast, and, of course, Salmon.  That "oughta" do it!  Now serving,  party of four.  
All kidding aside, one of the most challenging things to do when you fall of the healthy-eating wagon, is to get back on as soon as you can.  It's certainly understandable to want to slide a little longer.  But part of my strategy to return to a healthy-eating regime as soon as possible included taking a long, hard look at yesterday's events and what caused them.  This assailant's attack, while happening here in Chattanooga, was not about attacking our wonderful city.  It was about attacking the military forces that fight in opposition to certain factions, and trying to send a message to the very root of their start - their recruitment office and training facilities.  Short and simple. And, while I'm certainly not dismissing the incident, nor minimizing its impact, this was not an all-out attack on what we lovingly refer to as "River City," "Chatt Town," or "Scenic City."  I don't want to give these factions any more "glory" than what they've already claimed.  We're going to be okay. 

So, please join me in raising a glass and tonight's toasting to the continued success of one of the greatest cities by the river, Chattanooga, Tennessee.  

As you can see by the fifth hand in the accompanying picture, I'll be saving a glass for you.  Happy Weekend, everyone!
Copyright © 1/1/2015 -      , CB, Bed Warrior

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