Tuesday, July 28, 2015

#MSWL Twitter Hashtag

Dear Peeps:

Please retweet this post as much as you like:  #NapoleonComplex #PublishersMarketplace #PublishersWeekly  #YouDontHaveAllThePower  #NYAttorneys #LiteraryAgenciesThatSuck #WritersDigest

Okay, here's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

Have you ever been told by a NY agent to use the #MSWL hashtag on a certain day? Well, guess what? I have!  So, of course, when I did, I was called down with attempts to try to make an example of me.  Yes, I'm in favor of appropriately using the #MSWL - and I would like to think those in charge would be mature enough to understand how this could have happened, but it appears they're not.

So already traditionally published and making my living as a full-time author, I  went to the MSWL website, and left my comment.  It is as follows:

"@fashionnovelist @jsinsheim  @Claribel_Ortega I have not purposely misused your #MSWL.  I was told to use it by another NYC literary agency. I am a well-published author, having been so for many years, and although I am a long standing NY-licensed atty., I make my living as a full-time writer.  I received a notice that said today, July 28, was the specific day that agents wanted authors to use #MSWL - as I had already removed it from my # list yesterday. So, while I praise you for creating this venue, your zealousness in favoriting & retweeting me as your "bad boy" example is unwarranted and inappropriate. Good luck in your future endeavors. "

I think the sign pictured above really fits in this situation, don't you?
Copyright © 1/1/2015 -      , CB, Bed Warrior

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