Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Slow, but sure, Progress . . .

Happy Wednesday to you!  The bathroom scale says I've lost four pounds.  Some weeks' worth of eating,  my purse feels a loss, too - especially when I buy all of the convenient diet and low-fat foods I think I need in order to keep me on track.  But, here's a thought: there are plenty of nutritious foods that can be bought for under a dollar.   Let me give you a few examples: chicken breasts, canned salmon, canned tuna, yogurt, cottage cheese, brown rice, whole-grain pasta, Quinoa, grapes, apples, bananas, kiwi, kale, Winter squash, sweet potatoes, canned tomatoes (diced), onions, broccoli, beets, spinach, carrots, coffee, tea ... and yes, water. So there you have it, plenty of healthy foods from which to choose when planning your meals for the week.  Knowing that I'm not going to break the bank on grocery expenses, coupled with losing four pounds over the last two weeks, makes me happier today than on most Wednesdays! 

Some would say I've been a "good girl."  Others, not so much.  But the fact of the matter is that I am an improved girl.  On Sunday, I took the time to make a complete inventory of the contents of my kitchen cupboards, and what low-cost and healthy meals could be made from their offerings.  And, before I went to the grocery store,  I made a big pot of three-bean vegetarian chili - complete with chickpeas, cannellini (no, chickpeas and cannellini are not the same), kidney and black beans, so maybe I should call it four-bean.  Nonetheless, it's packed with plenty of protein, and you may know that, in the northeast some chili recipes are eaten year-round. Yes, I can credit my taste for chili in July to living there for almost 15 years.  I can also credit Sunday's meal prep to being surrounded by hot dogs, potato chips, deviled eggs, potato salad, baked beans, hamburgers, etc., all day on Saturday, the 4th of July - in other words, a table spread with every single food item that made me want to eat everything in sight.   And, yes, just typing this has  me salivating.

I love my country, but there are other ways for us to celebrate it with our families than literally eating our hearts out. I know three families who take turns on Memorial, 4th of July, and Veterans' holidays of going to the cemeteries and placing small American flags on soldiers' graves.  One of them has a young mother with three stair-step children, as she is a widow and wants to instill the knowledge of keeps our country safe in them.  Yes, you're right, she's a war widow. But that's a story all unto it's own.

As a writer, I'm trying to maintain healthy eating habits as much as I can.  We writers sit for long periods at our desks or behind our laptops.  But, let me tell you a secret.  When I'm writing scenes of violence, murder and mayhem my adrenaline pumps as strongly as if I'd just psyched myself up to run the world's fastest marathon.  There's an old writer's adage that when you can't think of anything else to heat up your scene, have two guys come blasting through the doors with their guns blazing.  Similes to that happen in every story you read or witness.  And what sensation do you think I feel after I finish typing and all is quiet on the western front? That's right, hunger.   And it's that panic-triggered hunger that will make me binge-eat, over-eat, or  night-eat every time.  

That's where protein comes in.  In the past, I've turned to sugar. Now, my mantra for new and improved healthier eating dictates that I ply my emotions with ... protein.  And, guess what? It's working.  After all, don't forget that your body needs protein to covert food/calories to energy.  I can live with that - and, probably a lot longer than I was once expected to. 

So, this is what I'm saying: I'm living everything I'm saying to you.  Yes, although I dislike it immensely, I'm drinking water - and lots of it, every day.  I'm cutting out the sugars that I've used in the past to fuel my body, and replacing them with protein.  I'm limiting the amount of food I eat per meal.  Yes, there are times I eat something in between meals that, when you read the list of RDA nutrient ingredients, it's highest number is - you guessed it - protein.  To avoid binge-eating has become my number one mission in life.  It's a struggle, and that's the understatement.  But television ads, support groups, friends, family and blogs like this one tell me I'm not the only one fighting this war; and, for that, I'm grateful.
Copyright © 1/1/2015 -      , CB, Bed Warrior 

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