Friday, June 26, 2015

Chocolate, BED vs. NES, Therapy and Gas Companies

There it is, up close and personal.  In the past,  thinking it would satisfy me, chocolate has been the one solitary vice I've turned to when trying to ward off a binge-eating episode.  Today, I was tempted.   I love it so much that if you made a bowl of chocolate icing and gave me the mixer beaters to lick,  I'd take the bowl away from you and give you the beaters.  And if you were foolish enough to try to get the bowl back, well  …. let’s just say, it wouldn't be pretty. It's that bad. We all know there are some things that only chocolate will cure; and, I’m convinced that if every world leader ate two chocolate candy bars before meeting with one another, we’d have world peace in no time.  But, as for myself, sometimes I just have to put things out of sight to get them out of my head. At this point, chocolate is completely out of sight, because it’s sitting on a shelf at the store – with a sign on it that says, “No Sale to Binge Eaters.”  So, in keeping with my promise “to do better,” after my shallow, but frustrating, victory with the almighty natural gas company, instead of eating chocolate, of course, I drank water.   

If you ask me what set me off, I'll tell you that you never want to deal with a utility company that loses every service record they've ever had on your home simply because the USPS decided to change your house number.  Don’t ask me to explain this, because I can’t.  However, I maintain that most of their incompetence is caused by the fact that their corporate headquarters are 145 miles away - and in another state.  But, they're the only game “in town” (with no local office), and after over an hour on the phone with them, where I had to help them solve their mystery, I knew if I didn't meditate right then and there, I'd never avoid a BED episode.  It worked!

I am a night person. As you can see, I usually write these posts after midnight and try to post them by 7AM, the following morning. That gives me plenty of time to let them "cool," and make the necessary edits and changes before I hit that "publish" button. Having said that, there is a downside to writing in the middle of the night. Insufficient amounts of sleep cause an increase in the Ghrelin hormone, which, in turn, makes you feel hungry.  Because your brain is sleep-deprived, you most  likely won't say "No!" to those wonderful junk-food, high-carb snacks and meals that give you so much temporary comfort. And, chances are, you'll eat them at night.  Did I call them "wonderful?"  Maybe I should use a lesser word like "tempting."   

On a separate note, did you know BED is sometimes confused with "Night Eating Syndrome?"  The difference is that NES doesn't necessarily involve eating large amounts of food or losing control of your eating, which are the typical trappings of a Binge-Eating-Disorder episode. Most BED episodes do, however, occur at night.  So, between the two, the lesson is simple. Even if you live in a place where there are 20 hours of daylight, such as Alaska, experts say you shouldn't eat after 7PM -  at the latest.  I mention Alaska because I have a close friend who lives there and makes it a point to check on my "Conquering BED" progress on a regular basis, even if  it's only 8PM there, which translates into midnight, "my" time.  All kidding aside, I'm grateful for the support.  

And, on the subject of "checking-in," I went to see my therapist yesterday morning before the telephone conversation with the gas company.  He thinks this blog is an absolutely "wonderful" (his word) idea.   What he didn't like so much was my refusal of his offered prescription for Vyanse.  It made me wonder if he owns stock in Shire, LLC.  While he tells me he has confidence in me, he also counters his praise with a suggestion of having it on hand -  just in case I need "a little help" in reaching my goal. At this point, I think not.  As a parting gift, on my next visit to him, I’m going to give him a chocolate candy bar, as I think he may need it to salve his disappointment when I, again, refuse his offer to write the script. This time,  I get to be the hero and small victories are so good for the soul.    

So Thursday was another day with lots of water, meditation, balanced meals and successful avoidance of eating at night.  According to the picture beside this paragraph, BED episodes occur in cycles.  Doesn't everything? I'd say I'm in the "Restrict" mode right now, and I have to wonder how long it will last.  But, I do know this: Chocolate, with all of its wonderful (my word) restorative powers, doesn’t cure everything for me.
Copyright © 1/1/2015 -      , CB, Bed Warrior

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