Friday, August 7, 2015

Think about It ...

Just like she says, "Happy Weekend," everyone! While I'm sure most of you are glad it's Friday, my other question is can you believe we're already eight months into the year?  Wow!  With school starts right around the corner, and Labor Day and Thanksgiving weekends nipping at the heels of an extended winter break nothing upsets a "disciplined" eating strategy more than stress and roller-coaster routines. 

In a few short days or weeks your current mundane daily routine could easily transform into something chaotic, erratic or worst-case scenario, maddening.  There’s nothing more stressful than that.  And, if you're an over-eater, night-eater or binge-eater, can't you just see yourself running toward the refrigerator now?  That would be me. 

Okay, so this is my proposal.  Adopt that well-known motto of "Be prepared."  Doing that translates into: 1) Keep lots of fruit in the house, and 2) have plenty of water handy (in my case, preferably flavored), and 3) make a plan for adjusting the time of your walking and/or exercise routine, now. In fact, you might want to schedule a “firm” time for this, and a “back-up” time, as we all know what happens when a plan is set in stone.  In short, set yourself up for success.  

There are several strategies toward this end, but only you know which one works best for you.  If you're a mom, father or someone who occupies a household with an identity of one, you already know that when you step outside the box and inventory what factors contribute to what conditions, you're well on your way to stabilizing any situation.  No, basic life is not a seventh-grade science project, but it does come about as close to one as it can get.  

So, respectfully, I'm asking you to think about what factors you need to incorporate into your present daily routines that will, not only, benefit those around you but, also, keep you centered and on the positive track to keeping your eating behaviors stabilized in the coming weeks and months.  

I'll post more about this on Monday; but, in the meantime, you've got the weekend to think about it. Have a great one!
Copyright © 1/1/2015 -      , CB, Bed Warrior

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