Monday, August 17, 2015

Let's be honest . . .

“Good Monday”, to you!  On this first day of a traditional work week, that little guy at the far left of the image gives a pretty accurate portrayal of how many of us feel on Monday.  But, when I look at this picture, I also apply the evolution of those guys' feelings to the progression of my emotions when I've been honest with myself about my eating behaviors throughout the week.  

Let's be honest with ourselves.  No one, but us, will ever know whether we are or not. We don't have to confess our eating sins to anyone who doesn't witness them firsthand. So, in this world of betrayed privacy, questionable obsession with technology, and social media charades of perfect homes and families, just who is it that's going to be honest enough to step forward and tell us we've violated the Miranda
Rights of our own eating behaviors? And where does that leave those of us who want to be honest with ourselves about over-eating, night-eating, and/or binge-eating behaviors? You know the place - it's that convenient confessional in everyone's home, the bathroom mirror.  

I have a friend who has lost 32 pounds over the last six months. He's a large man whose weight loss is just now becoming apparent to those outside his inner circle. He's worked diligently in setting himself up for success.  He has the support of a loving wife and family who make sure that the only foods in the house are those that will support his new discipline. Only recently have I felt comfortable discussing weight-loss management with him.  And the virtue that always rises to the surface first, in these conversations, is honesty. Let me insert here, that I happen to know there's a very nice reward waiting for him if he achieves his weight-loss goal. But his reality is that, whether there's a reward or not, in order for him to adopt healthy eating behaviors resulting in a better quality of life, he's had to refresh his level of honesty with that man in the mirror.  And, for the most part, he's done it. It will take him at least another year to meet his objective; and, I believe, he'll achieve it. In fact, I'm betting on it. 

So, it's Monday; and, there are only a couple of more weekends left before the Labor Day holiday weekend. And, Labor Day is the traditional harbinger of autumn, the gateway to winter. And while we all love the evolution of seasons, what - tell the truth - is the passage of time doing for us as a nation of addictive eaters? Or, more personally, for you as someone who needs to improve your eating habits and lifestyle? 

Let's be honest. 
Copyright © 1/1/2015 -      , CB, Bed Warrior

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