Tuesday, September 15, 2015

More to offer ....

Bringing good news to you today!  I've created another blog for your reading pleasure, as well. Yes, there will be elements of nutrition, fitness, psychology, eating disorders - and life lessons, both major and minor - in the ongoing creative-nonfiction pieces of PentimentoCheese.wordpress.com 

Pentimento is defined as: "the presence or emergence of earlier images, forms, or strokes that have been changed and painted over." And even though the words “pimento” and “pentimento” are similar in appearance, there is a distinct difference between the two.  However, they do share one commonality – the description of their use in Pentimento Cheese can, most assuredly, include the word “caviar.”  

But, for today, let's read an excerpt of a previous BED Warrior post.  I hope you'll find it both insightful and encouraging:

"You have to change not only your perception of yourself, but the perception of your being by those around you. There are specific and expected behavior patterns associated with, and in response to, certain circumstances. You have the power to change most of these circumstances, and the above-mentioned perceptions. Start with small and definitive steps. Change your atmosphere. It takes huge amounts of will power and determination, but it can be done. Realize that you will not be able to turn yourself inside-out, but you can make definitive and positive lifestyle changes if you set your mind to it.  Educate yourself further on the benefits of good health - going well beyond the obvious." You can read the entire previous post here:  http://bit.ly/1ex87z7

Your positive feedback on this blog has had an indescribable effect upon me, and I thank you for this.  And, because of that, I hope you'll join me in the writing process and reading pleasures of  Pentimento Cheese.  
Content copyright 2015. CeCe Baker. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The Quiet Ones . . .

I had a thought last night about what some of the unsuspected and quiet triggers of a binge-eating-disorder episode might be. Triggers that aren't so easily identified and have unrecognized subliminal effects were of a particular concern to me in this process. It was then that I realized that these triggers could be something as innocent as a particular room in a house. I hadn't thought about this before, but after I took a tour through each and every room in my home, all the while recording my initial reactions to them, I thought it might be worth mentioning. So, let's explore this idea for a little bit. 

I think of empty-nesters. That immediately takes me to the mixed bag of emotions that come along with seeing your youngest, or only, child off to college and realizing that after all those days you prayed for peace and quiet in your refuge against the rest of the world, your prayerful request has finally been granted. So what happens next? You plop down on the couch or your favorite chair, and think about this for a moment. If your have a significant other and he/she happens to be in the same physical moment with you, you can be assured the same thoughts are running through their mind as well.

So, you get through that day, and a couple that follow, and then comes the first time you walk into your child's sanctuary. It's not easy. All kinds of emotions come to the surface as you start to close drawers and doors that may be left askew, return hangers and boxes to their rightful closet spaces, and gather dirty clothes from the hamper, etc. You know the process. And, in the middle of this, you make a conscious decision as to how you're going to handle the sadness that accompanies the successful achievement of the personal goals you set for your precious offspring. Many parents go through this each and every year; but, few talk about the real effect it has upon their psyche.  For night-eaters, over-eaters, and binge-eaters - until they identify this trigger, and gain control over it - just walking into this particular empty room can send them running for the refrigerator or an app for take-out on their cell phones. 

You can see how it goes. Your child's empty bedroom is just one example of a room in your home that can act as a trigger. Imagine the scenario if you're a widow or widower. Or on a happier note, visualize the scenario where your favorite chair sits just waiting for you to take advantage of the fact that you're alone in the house, and have full freedom to over-eat, binge-eat or night-eat as much as you like. No doubt it has some kind of accommodation for holding a tray, bag of whatever, or several items that, you believe, will relieve your stress, anxiety or sadness as you eat your way through them. 

So the upshot of this post is a simple reminder that only you can identify those quiet and unsuspected triggers. And, only you can make the conscience decision not to let them do so.  

Think about that. 

Copyright © 1/1/2015, CB, BED Warrior

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Harnessing the Powers of Guilt

Guilt can be a powerful force; and, the guilt experienced by over-eaters, night-eaters, binge-eaters and other kinds of food addicts can be overwhelming. Often times, those around you from casual observers to close family members can't see the guilt of the victims of eating disorders. What's that they say? Binge-eating is the number one addiction of adults in the United States? That's a whole lot of guilt.  

So what are some of the tools that those afflicted with eating disorders use to help them identify an upcoming episode? And what measures can they take to counter this behavior that, in fact, is abuse of their own bodies? In an earlier post, I refer to binge-eating as "food hoarding" in our bodies. It's true. All we want to do is eat the things that are "bad for us," - and in huge quantities. But what is it that pushes us to this kind of eating frenzy? On a personal note, I can tell you that with me, it's usually disappointment/sadness in something or someone I had faith in. And, for me, it's not break-up, run-and-get-the-ice-cream kind of disappointment or sadness.  It's more like I'm sad, disappointed and frustrated in others all at the same time.  You know what I'm talking about; it's like when you see someone you love cutting their nose off to spite their face in so many ways, and there's absolutely nothing you can do to help them because they insist on making self-destructive choices.  

So let's look at the previous sentence, again.  For those around us, who truly love us, and who see our own continued food-addictive-self-destructive-eating behavior(s), what keeps them from turning to food for consolation of their disappointment/sadness in us?  Simple enough.  Their "chemistry" hasn't changed like ours; and, they aren't caught up in the food-addiction cycle of indulgence, guilt, restrict, indulgence ... and back to the most powerful of all emotions, guilt. They may have other flaws in their characters, but surrendering the strength and health of their minds and bodies to the temptations of food is not one of them. 

We are a restless society. We want instant gratification. And we truly don't want any kind of responsibility unless there's some kind of payoff or reward associated with it. Many don't do favors for one another - without some kind of expected monetary remuneration.  After all, we deserve it don't we? In the cycle of binge-eating and other eating-disorder behaviors, this is where the notion of entitlement becomes blurred with the vulnerability of addictive "reward" eating.  If we've experienced an emotional tragedy, disappointment or upset, it's okay to "eat it off," rather than "walk it off," isn't it?  Our affirmative conscious – not conscience -  answer is 95 percent "Yes," and 5 per cent "No." And then comes the guilt. We're like the dog that hangs his head when he knows he should have used the doggy door to go outside and do his business, but didn't.   

But, you see in order to become stronger in our convictions to win this eating war, we have to conquer the feeling of overwhelming defeat that is commonly associated with guilt.  Let's make guilt happy and give it its due by acknowledging its strength and power; and, then find ways to harness those same attributes to work for us instead of against us. One of the first steps in doing this is to forgive yourself.  This doesn't mean surrendering your conscience. It does mean acknowledging your eating misbehaviors, and coming to an understanding about what you can to do to help yourself reduce the frequency of these episodes.

We can be forewarned and forearmed against the mighty warrior called “guilt” by identifying our triggers, watching our eating patterns, making a positive effort to slow down the pace of our eating frenzies, and acknowledging the consequences we're going to have to pay for this "favor" our eating psyche has convinced us we're entitled to.  And, when I tell you that we have to be forewarned and forearmed against a binge-eating, night-eating, or over-eating episode, I'm also telling you to use whatever tool in your arsenal that works best for you.  Using prescribed medication(s), therapy, support groups, dieticians, nutritionists, meditation, or whatever other reasonable and safe weapons you can employ are all fair game in this continued, meal-by-meal war.

Harness the powers of guilt to work for you instead of against you. You can do this.  
Copyright © 1/1/2015, CB, BED Warrior

Monday, August 24, 2015

Finding your Walking Groove . . .

Okay, let's think about this. We all know that walking is good for our bodies and spirits, but have you ever thought about the science of it? 

If not, here are a few facts that might help you walk-start your day. To experiences the true benefits of walking, you need to do this for at least 60 minutes per day. Knowing this, you can better appreciate the following processes your body goes through as it obeys your dictum of "Walk! Walk! Walk! 

Ever feel the effects of your muscles warming up, the stiffness of your joints starting to disappear, your heart rate increasing, and the result of those energy-producing cells sending fuel to your brain as it initiates the action of walking? All of this happens within the first five minutes of your walking-for-exercise routine. 

Now, you're cooking! Your blood pressure has started to rise and your blood vessels are expanding to accommodate increased levels of blood and oxygen to those muscles you've begun to flex. In the process, you're burning up to six calories and your heart rate is maintaining its gradual increase of beats per minute. All of this happens within the next six to ten minutes of starting your walking routine.

In the next 10 minutes, if you increase the pace of your walk, you'll burn up to 7 calories a minute, breathe a little harder, and release the hormones of epinephrine and glucagon to continue to fuel your muscles. Your body temperature will continue to rise and you may even start to perspire a little.  

For the next 25 minutes, you'll start to relax a little as those much-loved endorphins are released. Your insulin levels will begin to drop, helping you to shed those unwanted pounds. 

And, in the final 15 minutes of your walk, the levels of your stored carbohydrates will be reduced, as a result of your muscles starting to feel fatigued. Your heart rate will decrease and your breathing will slow, as your body begins to cool down. Now, even though you're burning fewer calories than you were when you first started, the good news is that your level of calorie-burn will remain elevated for at least another hour.  

This is the science of walking and how it affects our bodies. Frankly, I think it's wonderful to be able to identify the reactive stages of our body functions as we go through any kind of exercise; but, with this knowledge, you can find your walking groove by designing a regular walking routine that serves your body in exactly the way you want. 
Copyright © 1/1/2015, CB, BED Warrior

Friday, August 21, 2015

Oh, the Mighty Strawberry!

Oh, the mighty, but humble, little strawberry! Caterers love it for its color. Chefs love it for its sweetness, and Moms love it for its convenience and snack value for their children. This little red fruit certainly has a lot of expectations to live up to!

From sorbets, syrups and glazes to tart fillings, the strawberry never fails to come through! But, the members of my circle tend to look at it not for its sweetness or decorative value but, instead, for it’s sometimes-overlooked nutritional offerings as well.

Let's look at a few of them. This plump little health warrior goes a long way to earn its title of "super food." Packed with antioxidants, it serves as a booster to your immune system, plays a significant role in the prevention of cancer and contributes to younger-looking skin. In other words, this little powerhouse contributes to a healthier body inside and out. And, here's another benefit. Did you know that strawberries are one of the best foods you can eat during pregnancy? That's right, studies are now showing that it contributes to the brain development of your little prodigy, as well. So, not only does the appetizing strawberry serve your body, but it also serves the bodies of generations yet to come. And, one last salving-your-conscious note: One and a half cups of strawberries equals 100 calories; while a single berry has only four.  How about that?

So, the next time you sit down to a juice bar, bistro, or other eating/drinking establishment, maybe just a small serving of strawberries would serve you better than their usual side-dish fare. Go, ahead! Reap the benefits of that mighty little warrior!

In the meantime, I wish all of you a Happy Friday!  Have a great weekend; and, I'll see you back here on Monday!

Copyright © 1/1/2015, CB, BED Warrior

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Anticipation ....

Lately, I've been reordering my life to place daily emphasis on the accommodations I have to make toward success in my long-term goals. Using old-school tools like printed calendars, weight-tracking charts, journals and checkbook registers I've found myself looking at physical reminders of what I'll be accomplishing over the next six to nine months. Studies have shown that one of the best parts in the process of achieving a long-term goal is the anticipation that builds as you put the pieces in place to accomplish it.  

As you know, one of the purposes of this blog is to inspire us to think about, act upon, and changing our over-eating, night-eating, and binge-eating behaviors. When I talk about calendars, weight-tracking chats, journals and checkbook registers I'm giving you hints to one of my personal method-to-my-madness strategies in achieving my weight-loss goal. So, here goes. You know how we're told that we're more likely to remember something if we write it down? It's an old-school discipline, but it still works. The science is that when the brain has to go through the process of interpreting something it wants to remember, followed by translating this same thought, idea or strategy to its supporting systems with the resulting action of the fingers or hands physically writing it down, we're more likely to remember it in the long run.

 This is where the checkbook register comes in.  Yes, I am one of those people who actually records expense entries in my checkbook register; and, I do this for more than one reason. Not only does it tell me how much money I've spent over the past few days but, most importantly to me, it tells me the direction it went in and what it was spent on. That includes food, eating behaviors and all things related to this particular issue and/or goal.  

There's no trickery to this strategy. By recording your expenses, and comparing them to the entries on your calendar/weight-tracking chart and then journaling your feelings about the progress you're making - or not - toward your goal, you've employed one of the most powerful support systems there is in permanently altering your eating behavior(s).  For instance, take a look at that last entry you made from eating with friends at your favorite bistro last Tuesday night. Maybe you spent a little more than you wanted to?  So, what's the financial correction?  The very same one you'd use to sustain a weight-loss goal strategy.  Perhaps you really didn't need that second, or third, glass of wine.  And maybe your entree was a little too "rich," both literally and figuratively. The "eyes" of your brain have seen something that needs to be processed, translated, and recorded for future use. And, all the while, you've built up more anticipation for success in achieving your goal. 

Some would call this process "mindfulness," but I think it runs a little bit deeper than that. Whether, or not, you use old-school tools, the point is that if you're actually excited and building anticipation you're more likely to succeed. 
Copyright © 1/1/2015 -      , CB, Bed Warrior

Monday, August 17, 2015

Let's be honest . . .

“Good Monday”, to you!  On this first day of a traditional work week, that little guy at the far left of the image gives a pretty accurate portrayal of how many of us feel on Monday.  But, when I look at this picture, I also apply the evolution of those guys' feelings to the progression of my emotions when I've been honest with myself about my eating behaviors throughout the week.  

Let's be honest with ourselves.  No one, but us, will ever know whether we are or not. We don't have to confess our eating sins to anyone who doesn't witness them firsthand. So, in this world of betrayed privacy, questionable obsession with technology, and social media charades of perfect homes and families, just who is it that's going to be honest enough to step forward and tell us we've violated the Miranda
Rights of our own eating behaviors? And where does that leave those of us who want to be honest with ourselves about over-eating, night-eating, and/or binge-eating behaviors? You know the place - it's that convenient confessional in everyone's home, the bathroom mirror.  

I have a friend who has lost 32 pounds over the last six months. He's a large man whose weight loss is just now becoming apparent to those outside his inner circle. He's worked diligently in setting himself up for success.  He has the support of a loving wife and family who make sure that the only foods in the house are those that will support his new discipline. Only recently have I felt comfortable discussing weight-loss management with him.  And the virtue that always rises to the surface first, in these conversations, is honesty. Let me insert here, that I happen to know there's a very nice reward waiting for him if he achieves his weight-loss goal. But his reality is that, whether there's a reward or not, in order for him to adopt healthy eating behaviors resulting in a better quality of life, he's had to refresh his level of honesty with that man in the mirror.  And, for the most part, he's done it. It will take him at least another year to meet his objective; and, I believe, he'll achieve it. In fact, I'm betting on it. 

So, it's Monday; and, there are only a couple of more weekends left before the Labor Day holiday weekend. And, Labor Day is the traditional harbinger of autumn, the gateway to winter. And while we all love the evolution of seasons, what - tell the truth - is the passage of time doing for us as a nation of addictive eaters? Or, more personally, for you as someone who needs to improve your eating habits and lifestyle? 

Let's be honest. 
Copyright © 1/1/2015 -      , CB, Bed Warrior